Wednesday, December 12, 2012

December 12, 2012

Bio A 1st Hour

Today students are working on documents they began yesterday in class. They should look at yesterdays post to remind them of some of the topics of nutrition and continue research for the first half of the hour over some of the information they can obtain through their research and add it to yesterdays document. They then need to use the second portion of class to design a strategy to display this information to the student body of CGHS and our community. They can use a variety of electronic fashions to display nutritional information as well as we will be using a poster campaign to bring forward this information to the public.
     These students should also be attempting to research information about raised bed gardens, which is a project we will be working on during April in our community.

Bio B 3rd Hour

Students in this class should read the blog posting for first hour and do the same.

A & P 4th Hour

Anatomy students will be taking a test today. After they finish the test, I want them to construct a document as I gave to them yesterday for study of the Ulna and Radius. This will be their homework assignment for this unit. They are to create a google document and list out the structures of the ulna and radius.  They will then need to research information over the functions of the structures listed in their packet.

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