Monday, December 17, 2012

December 17, 2012

1st Hour Bio A
     As many of you have noticed we had no blog posting last week. We spent the week working on researching information about nutritional awareness throughout the week. Students were given specific areas of nutrition to choose to research. As we progressed through the week, we began to collect this information and develop a plan to present this information to the student population of CGHS as well as the community of USD 417. We are planning to have projects done and reading to bring into the public eye during our home basketball games in January and February.

Water & Plastic Bottles- This site gives a great explanation of how plastics are used in products today. This allows us to understand some of the ideas that are out there and how big of a problem plastics are becoming.

We will be going outdoors tomorrow and Wed. to continue work on the planting beds.

1st Hour Bio B

We worked on the same thing that 1st hour had done as we have done over the past week.

We will be going outdoors tomorrow and Wed. to continue work on the planting beds.

A & P 4th Hour

Today time was spent on developing our projects as we were limited in time on Friday due to the taking  of our test. As was reflected in class, many of the students just have vague concepts or ideas about their projects and many need to spend a greater amount of time in discovery of their subject in order to fully be able to design a project that will give us information as a result.
     I have also included a web site below that may help students gain a better understanding of joints in the human skeleton and how they are held together.

Joints of the Upper Arm- This site allows you to look at the various joints of the upper arm, some we have already covered and others that we are now covering with the hand. Take a look at the ones that are applicable to our present studies and see if the rest are usable for you at  a later time.

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