Bio A 1st Hour
Listed below is the first set of questions over the water cycle. You will need to go to your documents or drive folder, or open the document and then go to desktop version to make a copy of the questions to make them your own. Then you will be able to modify them and put your answers into the questions.
Watercycle Questions
Bio B 3rd Hour
Today we will be looking at test questions and get through as many as possible. These are selected off of the material I gave last week in the document with the assessment prep material from the McGraw Hill publishing company. These items allow us to look at a wide variety information and we will try to get through as many as possible.
We will be taking the Kansas State Assessment tomorrow. For those students not present in class tomorrow, we will use seminar and first lunch on Thursday to get the test taken as I have to go have teeth pulled on Thursday. If a student in this class cannot get the test taken either Wed. or Thurs., you will have to come back in May to take it because that is when the next window is offered by the State of Kansas.
A & P 4th Hour. Students wanted to put the test off until Wed and so we have done so, but will be testing Thursday over the structures of the Femur, post superior and inferior portions of it. I will probably have the functions of the femur done by the end of class today or by the beginning of class tomorrow.
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