Tuesday, January 22, 2013

January 22, 2013

Bio A 1st Hour

     Students today are working on their presentations over the water cycle topic they selected. These presentations will be due next week sometime. I will be providing information later in the week as to when the presentations will be due. Students need get their presentation material ready and practice. Presentations should not be read, students should know what they have learned.
     As another presentation media tool, I have attached a brochure template to this posting below. Students will have to make a copy of it, name it and then they can modify it. This template will be used to produce our Garden Growers Brochure and students should pay attention to the top headings over each column to know where they are at in the brochure.
     Students do not have to use the brochure template as their presentation media, they can use powerpoints, prezi's, google documents or any other type of electronic media or they my use poster boards to provide their visual representation  of data they have accumulated.

Brochure Template

Bio B 3rd Hour-

      Students were given several assignments on Thursday that they need to continue working on. At the present time, I only have 6 of the narratives that were completed on Thursday shared with me. Students should be finishing up the narrative first and then continuing with the other two. Keep in mind your project work and continue working on it as well. You have a lot to finish up on prior to the end of this 2nd trimester.

A & P 4th Hour.

      Getting my teeth pulled on Thursday turned out to be a little harder on this old man than I thought. I did not get your test for today prepared and so I am providing the class time to study and we will take the test over the Femur on Wed. I still have students who need to make up past test, and will take the time to do so today in class as well. We will end up taking the tib/fib test on Friday and the rest of class that day will be used for your project work.

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