Bio A First Hour
As you begin today, I want you to remember that you still need to be working on your projects that we were given time on Friday to work on. Our goal date of the 11th of Jan. for some of our work to be viewed is still in reach. I want you to open the link below termed Idling Assignment, and read all three documents that are listed. Select one article to complete the assignment work on. It is important to read all three documents because they will give us a better understanding of the validity of the material. When you get this done, you need to submit this to me by Wed., as only parts of the hour may be used on Tue and Wed to get this completed.
Idling Assignment
Bio B 3rd Hour
As with first hour, you should continue to think about and be working on your projects, but I want you to as well look at the reading of automobile idling. You will have to complete the assignment as well as listed above for first hour.
A & P 4th Hour
We are going to be discussing answer to questions 25-31 on page 1568 of the reading assigned on Friday. We will be taking our quiz over this material on Wed. Today we will briefly talk about the answers to these questions and then I will post my answers to them on the blog at the end of the hour. They are listed below, but I have not made them accessible until after we get through with our discussion.
Answers to 25-31 questions.
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